First Annual Ms. Sue Writing Competition Winners Announced
The winners in the Arabic and English Sections of the first-annual Ms. Sue Writing Competition were announced on November 12.
The winners in the Arabic and English Sections of the first-annual Ms. Sue Writing Competition were announced on November 12.
Abdul Hamid Sharaf School is proud to introduce a new
Meet the eight new teachers at Abdul Hamid Sharaf School for the 2024-25 school year.
Director: Tarek Dahdah
Founded: 1980
Academic Programs:
Telephone: +962 6 5924 188
Shuhadaa Amman Street
Deir Ghbar, Al Diyar
P.O. Box: 6008
Amman 11118, JO
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Please be assured that your message will be treated with complete confidentiality. All feedback will be examined. You may upload relevant documents or info.
Abdul Hamid Sharaf School (founded in 1980) is among the first private, coeducational, non-parochial, K-12 day schools in Amman, Jordan. It serves the needs of a diverse group of students, international and local.
Shuhadaa Amman Street
Deir Ghbar, Al Diyar
P.O. Box: 6008
Amman 11118, JO
Tel: +962 6 5924 188
Fax: +962 6 5924 623
E-mail: ahss@ahss.edu.jo