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1. Copy of the student’s birth certificate. If Jordanian, it should be certified by the Jordanian Civil Registration Department.
2. Copy of the vaccination card for KG1, KG2 & Grade One students.
3. Copy of the important pages of the passport.
4. Copy of the Family book with the national number of students with a
Jordanian father.
5. Copy of One Year Resident Permit if non-Jordanian.
6. End-of-year marks and transfer certificate from the student’s previous school.
7. For non-Jordanian 1st Grade students, an original birth certificate is required or certified copy from the embassy of his/her country in Amman.
8. Other pertinent reports or recommendations from the previous school (s).
Transfer certificate & end-of-year marks should be certified by the Directorate of Private Education Located in Jabal Al Hussain ادارة التعليم الخاص.
1. The AMIDEAST (see map, Tel. 5929994).
2. Jordanian Ministry of Education, Examination Dept. (in Abdali). (ادارة الامتحانات والاختبارات)
3. Directorate of Private Education (in Jabal Al Hussain). (إدارة التعليم الخاص)
1. The British Council (Jabal Amman, 1st circle – Tel. 4636147)
2. Jordanian Ministry of Education, Examination Dept. (in Abdali). (ادارة الامتحانات والاختبارات)
3. Directorate of Private Education (in Jabal Al Hussain). (إداراة التعليم الخاص)
1. The Embassy of his/her country in Jordan.
2. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jordan.
3. Jordanian Ministry of Education, Examination Dept. (in Abdali). (ادارة الامتحانات والاختبارات)
4. Directorate of Private Education (in Jabal Al Hussain). (إدارة التعليم الخاص)
Abdul Hamid Sharaf School (founded in 1980) is among the first private, coeducational, non-parochial, K-12 day schools in Amman, Jordan. It serves the needs of a diverse group of students, international and local.
Shuhadaa Amman Street
Deir Ghbar, Al Diyar
P.O. Box: 6008
Amman 11118, JO
Tel: +962 6 5924 188
Fax: +962 6 5924 623
E-mail: ahss@ahss.edu.jo