The Winners of Spirit Week

We would like to thank you all underclassmen, freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors in this repleted week! We enjoyed all the activities, student enthusiasm, and definitely the eager competitiveness for the pizza! It was about time we calculate the winner, with some secret formulas, bribes, and sprinkles of data tampering we came up with this […]

Chess Competition

During Spirit Week activities we had Chess Day, where each class had to wear black and white (Grade 8A won that day), and also, students with adequate Chess knowledge participated in a chess competition held at the auditorium. The competition lasted three days, where we had many ties and rounds until we got our finalists. […]

Spelling Bee

The spelling bee took place on December 6th, 2018, in the auditorium. It was a way to test the students, grades 1-7, in their knowledge in spelling and hopefully expand their vocabulary. Easy words were first used and it got more challenging as the competition went on. The spelling bee lasted for three days and […]

The Future of Peace Competition

Students from grades six and seven have participated in “The Future of Peace” competition which was organized by The Lion Club on the regional level including the countries: Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq. Also, the student Joud Al-omoush from grade 7 has won in the second place. The honoring ceremony for the winners and the […]